We might keep two days Yom Tov then regardless. Additionally, the Rebbe considers the possibility that once it has been established as Yom Tov it will remain that way…
We might keep two days Yom Tov then regardless. Additionally, the Rebbe considers the possibility that once it has been established as Yom Tov it will remain that way…
Question: Were the Rabbeim pro Zionism? Or more specifically religious Zionism? Someone from Anash just told me that there is a Chiyuv to rebuild the Beis Hamikdosh when the…
One of the principles of our faith is to believe in Moshiach—and not only to believe in Moshiach, but to anticipate his coming every single day. It is a…
There are seemingly conflicting indications in the sichos about this matter. Some sichos imply that when Moshiach comes it will be okay to play instruments on Shabbos and Yom…
Absolutely unacceptable. ראה שו״ת הרמ״ע מפאנו קז: שבקושי התירו להניחן וכו׳ שהשוגה באהבתן צריך לקדש עצמו הרבה מאד ושתהא דעתו שפלה עליו תמיד באימה ויראה ורתת וזיע. ובשולחן…
Even if one makes a very little amount of Ketores but with the same proportions as prescribed in Chazal, he is violating a Torah prohibition and is punished with…
אכן, יש לעשות כל האפשרי להתכונן לימות המשיח. אבל במקרה הספציפי – זו גישה לא נכונה. בספרים מובאים דברים חמורים בנוגע לגידול צפרניים. וההכנה לימות המשיח לא צריכה לבוא…
The Tefillos for Moshiach will be stated in a manner of Hodaah (thanks) about the past, not a request and supplication for the future. Sources: בית אלקים שער…
The Pasuk in Yeshayahu says "the death will be swallowed up forever and Hashem will erase tears from all faces." See Rashi on this verse where he says "death…
Your question reminds me of the story where the rabbi presiding over a Din Torah has determined that both parties are in the right. His wife in the kitchen…
Bikurim are not brought before Shavuos. On the holiday itself, there are different opinions in the Rishonim as to whether it is permissible to bring Bikurim. Sources: Mishna…
Question: A Chabad guy sends me a daily inspiring message about Moshiach. Today, this is what he sent: ''Since the leader of the generation, who is Moshiach, has been…
Question: My brother works in a store in Crown Heights and found a stroller that was left behind already for three days. He offered it to me and said…
Just like in the time of Shlomo Hamelech they did not fast on Yom Kippur while they were inaugurating the Beis Hamikdash, we will not fast this year Yom…