המשך השאלה: עברתי דירה ולקחתי איתי את המזוזות שלי (השארתי בדירה הישנה מזונות אחרות - קצת פחות יקרות ומהודרות), אך בדקתי אותם כבר בחודש אלול. האם עלי לבודקם שוב,…
האם יש חובה, מנהג או ענין לבדוק מזוזות בכל פעם שמורידים אותם?
המשך השאלה: עברתי דירה ולקחתי איתי את המזוזות שלי (השארתי בדירה הישנה מזונות אחרות - קצת פחות יקרות ומהודרות), אך בדקתי אותם כבר בחודש אלול. האם עלי לבודקם שוב,…
Ideally, you should remove one Mezuzah for rechecking. Even better would be to replace with a better Mezuzah, and make a Bracha when putting it up. Sources: שאינו…
Regarding the question I asked yesterday; If I place Mezuzas on both doors in a case where only one of the doors need it, will there be a Shailah…
Question: 1. According to Chabad custom, when do we use "Heker Tzir" for an exterior door? 2. What is the Halacha if there's a double door with a post…
I have 3 questions: Who pays for checking the Mezuzahs of the basement every year in Elul? Is it the obligation of the landlord to provide carbon monoxide detectors,…
Generally yes. However front doors normally are smaller than 4x4 Amos, thus they are put up without a Bracha. The area in front of the door doesn't have…
The Biblical obligation of affixing a mezuzah applies only to one who owns the property. A renter, on the other hand, has a Rabbinical obligation to affix mezuzos; in Eretz Yisroel—the day they…
According to the Rambam a Mezuzah is needed only on a doorway that has a door. The majority of Poskim disagree and rule that a doorway with no door also requires a…
When renting a house or apartment in Chutz La׳aretz (outside of Eretz Yisroel), one is not obligated in the Mitzvah of Mezuzah until 30 days have passed. However, it has become the custom…
May and should be fixed. טעמים ומקורות: שו״ת נוב״י תנינא יו״ד קסט. פת״ש רעו, יח. משנ״ב לב, קכו. בה״ל ד״ה אם אותיות. משיב דבר…
Badatz Mezuzah letter 5779: Hebrew English Reprint of Mezuzah Guidelines of Badatz in 5754: Hebrew English https://asktherav.com/article-how-to-choose-a-sofer/
When purchasing STAM (Sifrei Torah, Tefilin, Mezuzos, Megilos), we must heed the words of the Shulchan Aruch, “Tzarich lihiyos me’oid yarei Shomayim v’choraid lidvar Hashem hamisasek bekesivas hatefilin v’tikunon.” One involved in writing and fixing STAM must…
From the picture, it seems like the Achsadra has two walls, not three. In any case, a Mezuzah should be placed on the right side (from the perspective of…
I am assuming the house is not completely boarded up but rather has an entryway to get in and out. The need for Mezuzos on such a house depends…
Assuming that the trucks actually go often through the doorway and are not just parked on the outside for loading, and the drivers are Jewish, the doorway needs a…
Question: In a case of a sliding door that opens from house to a balcony that is 4 by 4 Amos - how do we determine placement of Mezuza?…
Questions: 1. In a house that is owned by an intermarried couple, I know that no Bracha is said for a Mezuza on the front door. But what about…
The Jewish employees who have their own offices, should put up a Mezuza without a Bracha. For the other offices, one should not put up Mezuzos. One should also…
Answer: There is no need to affix a Mezuzah (if the right side is indeed the kitchen counter) since it is not completely aligned to the other…
The room requires a Mezuzah regardless, even if food wasn’t stored there. Sources: ראה הנסמן באגור באהליך לב, מז. שכל טוב רפו, קז. פתחי מזוזות רפו, לט. שערי המזוזה…