Question: We by mistake used our charcoal grill without first toiveling the metal grates. Now it is impossible to clean them off completely, is there anything we can do…
Question: We by mistake used our charcoal grill without first toiveling the metal grates. Now it is impossible to clean them off completely, is there anything we can do…
You can melt the snow in one area and toivel keilim there. When melting the snow it can't be done by adding hot water there but rather bring heat…
The Challah board is glass on wood and silver plated. Answer: It should be Toiveld, but WITHOUT a Bracha. Reasoning: A Challah board is considered a kli…
Question: Does a splatter guard require tevilla, like a pot cover? Or, since it does not touch the food, is it like a can opener and not require tevilla?…
I'm Makpid on Toiveling plastic. Answer: This solution doesn’t work. Nonetheless, you may give the baby the nipple without tevilah, even if it wouldn’t be plastic, if you…
Question: As things look, it seems we may need to be making Pesach at home this year. Since Mikvaos are closed, how can we go about doing tevilas kelim…
Tevilas Keilim Chart
This is something which, in and of itself, would not generally disqualify the Mikvah. Nevertheless, there are many things in general which can go wrong and invalidate a Mikvah.…
Question: Is one allowed to purchase new cutlery for Shabbos in the nine days? If one already purchased dishes for Shabbos in the nine days by accident, can they…
An issue frequently addressed by poskim is whether disposable utensils require Tevilah. The majority opinion is that since these utensils are not intended to last, and will eventually be disposed of,…
Yes. See here: #3357
A Sous-vide machine generally has two parts: An immersion heating element – This does not require Tevilah. The water tub – If made of metal or glass, it is best to Toivel without…
Question: Do we make a Bracha when we Toivel vessels nowadays? I heard that because the owner of the company of utensils may be a Jew, so we do…
A utensil does not require Tevilah when it does not come into direct contact with food when it is being prepared, served or eaten. Therefore, the oven racks should be Toiveled,…
Yes, but the point of contact between the urn and the plug must get wet. Sources: ראה טבילת כלים כהלכתה יח, לח. וש״נ. #2771
צריך טבילה. אם בברכה, תלוי בכמה פרטים. אם הכלי לא הי׳ ראוי כלל לשימוש לפני זה, וכגון שיש בו נקב בשיעור כונס משקה, יטביל בברכה. אם הי׳ ראוי לשימוש,…
One of them was a serving tray that also had a bit of glue on it, and one was a water heater but the metal was inside, and the…
א. באם קונה במקום שרוב המייצרים אינם יהודים יכול גם לברך. ב. כשקנה מחנות של גוים מברך בכל מקרה. לגבי אינטרנט - ראה כאן: Sources: ראה שו״ת…
You do not need to Toivel a metal sink strainer. Sources: צריך להיות כלי סעודה - ראה שו"ע יו"ד סימן קכ סעיף א. #1878
The stove top does not need to be Toiveled. If it is brand new, it does not need to be Kashered either. Sources: לענין טבילה, ראה שו"ע סי'…