לכ' מו"ר שליט"א. איקלע לידן שאלה מעניינת בהלכות רבית, והוא ע"ד לווה שהקדים והביא מתנה לאדם שהוא רוצה ללוות ממנו באופן שיש על המתנה הזו איסור של רבית מוקדמת, וכבר…
ריבית מוקדמת להימנע מלהלוות
לכ' מו"ר שליט"א. איקלע לידן שאלה מעניינת בהלכות רבית, והוא ע"ד לווה שהקדים והביא מתנה לאדם שהוא רוצה ללוות ממנו באופן שיש על המתנה הזו איסור של רבית מוקדמת, וכבר…
Question: When obtaining or repaying a loan, may I say “thank you”, or is that considered Ribbis? If not allowed, what would be an appropriate phrase, like saying, "I…
The prohibition of ribis (interest) applies to anything a borrower grants to the lender beyond the repayment of the loan, even if only verbal, like granting a blessing or expressing…
If you’re not giving back the exact amount as it was given to you, rather filling it up completely and there was no request for you to give him…
A Hetter Iska should be arranged. Reasons in brief: 1. There is room for leniency only when the Ribbis is not D’Orayso. 2. Even then, this leniency applies only…
Question: Someone took money from me; about $1,300; without my permission. They took a few years to pay it back to me. When they finished paying it back, they…
Generally speaking: One may, as long as one makes it patently clear from the onset that he has zero intention of keeping the item. If it's a Jewish store…
Question: If I gave someone my Credit card to use as a loan and he paid me the full amount exactly and I get points for each dollar, are…
I was lent $10 in the US and now I want to pay the guy back 10 euro (out of convenience) in France. Is that Ribbis? Loans and…
One may not charge the borrower fees that accrued due to securing the loan, however, wiring costs, and legal fees for drafting the loan document, can be transferred. …
The Gemara teaches us that a father should not lend money to his children with Ribbis, due to the concern that they will become accustomed to this. It would…
Question: Hi, I have a family member that lent me money a while back and is currently in need of tzedaka. While I don't have extra money beyond our…
Question: Someone borrowed a book from me, in one instance they gave it back with a thank-you card, in another with a chocolate. Is this Ribbis? Do I have…
Question: I borrowed a flashlight from a friend and I used it too much till it died, so I bought new batteries to return. Is there a problem with…
Question: What is the Rebbe's opinion on stocks, like mutual funds? Is there an issue of Ribbis in that? (How about when the money is being invested by a…
In general one may add a couple of pennies, provided both of the following conditions are met: 1. It is an insignificant amount, that neither the borrower nor the…
There might be serious halachic issues involving the prohibition of ribbis. Poskim have dealt with this issue and suggested various approaches. See also here about the general topic of…
This response is only on a general level and various technicalities can change the result of the answer. For example one needs to see what was written on the…
שאלות אודות השקעה במניות: שבת, טריפות וריבית
שאלות: א. האם מותר להשקיע במניות של ישראלים שאינם שומרי שבת? ב. האם מותר לקנות מניות של גוי שמוכר טריפות (ויכול להיות שימכור לישראל שאינו שומר תומ"צ)? ג. האם…
Full Question: I had a babysitter on Thursday night, Friday night, and Shabbos day. We never agreed on the amount of money paid per hour. Can I tell her…