Question: A certain company which typically looks to hire talented help with experience in their specific field is having a problem, since it is very difficult, as there are…
Question: A certain company which typically looks to hire talented help with experience in their specific field is having a problem, since it is very difficult, as there are…
If there is a chance that the goy will realize and it will thus cause a Chilul Hashem then one must inform the goy (therefore when possible one should…
Hunting deer is not allowed. Reasoning: As a general rule mere sport hunting is not allowed. Since deer are not a danger to humans as a general rule,…
No, because if it was not paid for it is considered stolen and one may not use stolen goods. See here: שו"ע אדה"ז הל' גזלה וגנבה סי"א, כ.…
A person should not walk in a completely upright position, as that is considered haughty. Arrogance distances the presence of the Shechinah, because arrogant people act as though no one…
Question: It says here that "Being that this is a complex Halachic question involving a Sakana from Rebbi Yehuda Hachasid, you should ask three Rabbonim...." In the notes, it…
נכון להתקשר לבנק ולספר להם דברים כהווייתן. הרחבה: באם מצד החוק מחוייבים להחזיר, יש להחזיר בכל מקרה. גם כשאין החוק מחייב, הנה, מצד אחד בפשטות ה״ז בגדר טעות גוי, כיון…
Question: I am the new owner of a food store. The previous owner had a organization pay for the glass near the register in exchange for being able to…
Being that this is a complex Halachic question involving a Sakana from Rebbi Yehuda Hachasid, you should ask three Rabbonim whether they agree that it is permitted to be…
One is not allowed to waste any type of food intentionally. In this case it also involves disgracing food. Therefore, this practice is not allowed according to Halacha. …
One is obligated to build a fence that is strong enough to prevent someone from falling. This is governed by both a a מצות עשה and לא תעשה, as…
Yes. דינא דמלכותא דינא, וברשות הממשלה לקחת נכסי התושבים על פי חוקי המדינה. וגם כבר התייאש ממנו. ראה שו"ע אדה"ז הל' גזילה וגנבה סעיף יט: וכן אם גזר מי…
This response is only on a general level and various technicalities can change the result of the answer. For example one needs to see what was written on the…
Question: My child goes to playgroup and we pay at the beginning of every month. Due to the coronavirus, my child is at home and not going to the…
And if not, why was it so common to do so up until just a few years ago? Answer: According to halacha, a parent is allowed to hit…
The Rebbe said neither. Her ears can be pierced when the parents wish to do so and it’s deemed safe. ראה לקו״ש כ ע׳ 568, בהוצאת תשמ״ט ואילך.…
One should let the buyer know about the market rate of this second hand item, and if he agrees it is permitted. Sources: חו״מ רכ״ז סכ״א. שוע"ר הלכות…
Forbidden. ראה שו״ע חו״מ שסט, ו. שו״ע אדה"ז דיני גזלה וגניבה סעיף טו ואילך. שו״מ אג״מ חו״מ א, פב. אבל ראה שו״ת משנ״ה תנינא ב, תמה. #5625 …
You must inform the store and ask them how to deal with it. #5325
Whenever you book an airline ticket, you are effectively entering into a “contract of carriage” between yourself and the airline. Usually, hidden-city ticketing is a violation of the binding contract between the…