Some have a custom to decorate the Sukkah with wine, olive oil and flour as per the sources below. Olive oil also is associated with the upcoming mitzvah of…
Some have a custom to decorate the Sukkah with wine, olive oil and flour as per the sources below. Olive oil also is associated with the upcoming mitzvah of…
Sewing, weaving and washing clothes, unless you have a custom which is more Machmir. Sources: הרבה טעמים נאמרו בזה: בב"י סימן עת״ר בשם הרא"ש (וכל בו) - משום…
Question: Does Halachah state that one should spend money on having a nice Menorah (like an Esrog, tefillin, etc.)? Does it matter what kind of Menorah you use (tin…
Question: Poskim mention that there should be at least a finger's-breadth between each Chanukah flame. So if the candle-holders are attached to each other (with no space between each…
If this is their place of residence, it is OK. Sources: באותו בית - ראה שו״ת שארית יוסף לגיסו של הרמ״א עג. וראה שו״ת מנח״י ז, מח. שבה״ל…
Question: If I will be alone in my apartment over Chanukah, should I still light there for myself? Should I also pay an extended family member to be part…
If you are lighting on time or if no one else lives with you, you may light with a Bracha. If you’re lighting late and you’re living with family…
If absolutely necessary, you may. See here: #6445
One should make a fire and burn all the leftover oil and wicks used for the Menorah. (This does not include the oil that is still in the bottle)…
There are 3 issues that need to be addressed: Dreidel - The dreidel should not be played on Shabbos. According to some authorities, a dreidel is possibly considered a…
English | Hebrew
Yes. However, it’s best to wrap first in something and then discard. ראה גנזי הקודש טז הערה יט. יט, יג. #6466
Yes. See here for a similar -but different- case: Sources: פשוט, שעיקר השקו״ט הוא בנוגע לאבל באמירת הלל, כיון שאינו שרוי בשמחה ושאין לו לעורר שמחה.…
The flames of the Menorah must be situated at least three Tefachim (approximately 10 inches) from the floor. The Menorah should not be positioned higher than ten Tefachim (approximately 31 inches).…
You should relight them, without a Bracha, if any of them go out before 50 minutes. #2065
It is better to light at home, even if after midnight, if some family members are awake. #2066
If the teachers are in the category that they may receive Tzedaka - as often is the case - then it may be taken from Maaser money. However, if…
Light without a Brachah. Of course we are not advising to go against hospital protocol, especially since there is a potential danger here C"V. You should coordinate with those in…
She should be Yotzei from you, but she should watch someone in Shul lighting and answer Amen. #2007
If the Menorah was moved to a different location in the same area, one is Yotzei B'dieved. Some permit it even L'chatchilla. After 50 minutes, one may certainly move…