During certain parts of davening, and between making a brachah on a mitzvah and performing it, we may not divert our attention from the task at hand by making a hefsek b’dibbur (a…
During certain parts of davening, and between making a brachah on a mitzvah and performing it, we may not divert our attention from the task at hand by making a hefsek b’dibbur (a…
If so, would drying my hands for extra long during that time fix the problem (because niguv is considered part of the netila)? Answer: It’s not a hefsek.…
Question: Sometimes by Shluchim on Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur when Chazoras Hashatz is really long, they tell the Chazzan to read it quietly while he gives a speech,…
One may interrupt for any pressing Mitzvah matter. Certainly one may - and must - answer אמן ,נקדישך and/or ברכו. One should not interrupt to talk during any learning…
Question: There is a universal Nigun in the Nusach of Maariv of Yomim Noraim. It is often sung in middle of the Brocha between Boruch Ato Hashem and the…