If the mezuzah is covered it is permitted. Best to rub your hand against something first. Sources: שאין ליגע בידים מסואבות. וראה רשב״א שבת יד, ב ד״ה אלימא.…
If the mezuzah is covered it is permitted. Best to rub your hand against something first. Sources: שאין ליגע בידים מסואבות. וראה רשב״א שבת יד, ב ד״ה אלימא.…
Question: I sometimes learn while sitting on my couch which is located near a bathroom. Sometimes the bathroom door is left open. Is it a problem to learn when…
Question: The bathroom in our shul opens to the shul without a double door, so I'm looking into putting in a screen magnet door in the inside of the…
האם יש ענין להחמיר לא לטבול במקוה בבוקר לפני שמתפנה בבית הכסא?
יש ענין בזה. מקורות: מדיני טומאה - ראה משנה מקוואות פ"ח מ"ד, חולין כד, ב. וכ״ה ברמב״ם אבוה״ט ה, ז לגבי בע״ק בבריא. וברמב״ם משמע שטמא בודאי ולא משום…
There is a discussion in Poskim on this matter. In practice, L'chatchila an American dollar bill or coin should be placed in a wallet or at least in a…
Question: Is there an inyan to have a modern-day toilet built in a way that the direction of the length of the toilet seat is North to South and…
Question: When at the airport, what would be the right thing to do with my Tallis, Tefillin, Seforim and Food while going to the restroom? (In the past I…
If one feels the need to go to the bathroom, one is obligated to go to the bathroom right away as our chachomim said that this is loathsome. It…
Question: Can one sing Nigunim in bathroom or shower? Or a song with words of Torah? Or a song of other words but to tune of a Niggun? …
Yes, a Bracha on Tefillin is to be repeated after going to the bathroom and relieving yourself, or after two hours passed. Unless you only went for ketanim and…
It depends: if you are wearing a talis kotton and you put back on the Tallis within a few hours (even if you have not intended to do so…
Questions: Is one not allowed to talk when in the bathroom in general, or just when actually using the toilet? Is it OK to make sounds instead of words,…
Yes. If he forgot to recite the first time, he recites it only once later. However, if one is taking a medication causing him to urinate frequently, is different,…
Question: I have weak pelvic muscles & my bladder leaks often: when I cough or sneeze or stand up. I now wear thick bladder protection pads all day (not…
One should try to wash in a sink which is outside the bathroom. If there is no other option, you should cover the toilet before washing and dry the…
After going to the bathroom, there is no need to wash the amount and method needed for Netilas Yadayim. However, some are particular to wash always three times, especially…
שאלות: א. לשון רבנו בשו"ע (צב, ב) בתפילה הוא "אם יכול להעמיד יעמיד" אבל לקריאת שמע וברכותיה כותב "צריך להעמיד", האם יש חילוק לדינא? ב. לענין להפסיק לגדולים באמצע…
While there is room for stringency, the custom is to be lenient. Newspapers are printed regularly in Hebrew using square characters, כתב מרובע, and the custom is to use…
I bathe the kids of a family I know. When I come the kids love to ask me questions and sometimes we talk about the Chassidishe Yomim Tovim…
And if not, if one put them there already, can they still be used? Answer: It is permitted as it is not food. Sources: גם במאכלים לא…