Negel Vaaser shouldn’t be washed over dishes unless one is certain they will be rinsed afterwards. ראה הליכות שלמה תפלה כ הע׳ יא. אשי ישראל ב הע׳ עב. See…
Negel Vaaser shouldn’t be washed over dishes unless one is certain they will be rinsed afterwards. ראה הליכות שלמה תפלה כ הע׳ יא. אשי ישראל ב הע׳ עב. See…
If the child is of age that he can eat a kezayis of grain within the amount of time that it takes an adult to eat a pras of grain (approx. 7 minutes),…
Usually after nursing it is very likely a mother will have touched a part of her body that requires Netilas Yadayim. However, if the mother was careful not to touch…
Q. Are we allowed to buy children's books/Seforim before our baby is born? A. In this case, where it is for a Mitzvah, it is certainly OK. Read on…
Yes. Sources: יל״ע מצד הגדול, אם הלבשת התינוק היא בגדר גרמא ע״ד סוף חמה לבא, או שהוא בגדר כח כחו, וגם שהההפרשה עדיין אינה בעולם (אף שנמצאת במעי…
There is no known Torah source for this. Nonetheless, it is known that many Jewish communities and Gedolei Yisrael were particular. It should be noted that as a general…
Question: Do we count the weeks (16 weeks) or from the date on the calendar? For example from Daled Sivan to Daled Tishrei or from Wednesday to Wednesday? …
If the answer is yes, may I cool myself off with these packets of frozen milk knowing and benefiting from the fact that they will melt? If neither of…