Granola is usually hoadomo. Please see here: If the yogurt is very liquidy and can be drunk from a cup like a regular drink without using a spoon,…
Granola is usually hoadomo. Please see here: If the yogurt is very liquidy and can be drunk from a cup like a regular drink without using a spoon,…
שהכל. דלא מבעיא לפי סברא ראשונה (ראה סדבה"נ פ"ז הי"ב) דאף אם היה נותן טעם בתוך המים אינו מקבל ברכת המלפפונים כיון שאין שורים אותם על דעת לאכול…
ברכת מרק אטריות
שאלה: לגבי ברכת מרק אטריות ראיתי שכותבים (פסקי תשובות סר"ה אותיות ט,י. וזאת הברכה עמ' 117. 263) שאם יש כמות של אטריות ומעוניין באכילת התבשיל, מברך על המרק בורא…
Question: A chicken soup (with vegetables and chicken) is shehakol. My wife also cooks Kneidlach in the soup. She cooks the Kneidlach in the soup itself and it gives…
Question: If one eats dates or any other fruit of the 7 species, and drinks prune juice, how does the after-Brachah of the 7 species affect the after-Brachah of…
Falafel balls are usually Shehakol, even if flour is added, unless it was added for taste. If one recited Ha'adama over it it is valid after the fact. …
Question: When eating something that has a few ingredients, mostly one Bracha and less of another, but if you count each ingredient separately the lesser one will have more,…
Shehakol. סבה"נ ז, כב - כד. #10917
Yes, Shehakol nih’yah bidvaro. Sources: Brachos 36a. Shulchan Aruch and Alter Rebbe's Shulchon Aruch O.C. 204:1; Seder Birchas Hanehenin 7:1. #6383
1. Even if there is no meat in a soup but it was cooked with meat, the taste of the meat overrides the taste of the vegetables and the…
Since the actual peanut is not noticeable any more (in creamy peanut butter), its Bracha is She'hakol. Even in chunky peanut butter, if the pieces were added to the…