He is mechuyav bemitzvos starting on ל חשון, but should not get an aliya, be counted for a minyan or be chazan until א כסלו. Sources: ראה שו״ת…
He is mechuyav bemitzvos starting on ל חשון, but should not get an aliya, be counted for a minyan or be chazan until א כסלו. Sources: ראה שו״ת…
Question: I travel almost every week on flights. Once in a while, there are is a long delay and I'm forced to wait in the airport. I'm sometimes in…
Question: I Daven in a Minyan where we usually have exactly 6 that begin Shemone Esrei together... Do we need to wait for all 6 to finish Shemone Esrei…
תשובה: אין אומרים חזרת הש"ץ, דהיינו כל זמן שאין עשרה כשמתחיל חזרת הש"ץ, אין לומר חזרת הש"ץ (חוץ מתפילת ערבית שאם הי' שם עשרה בשעת התפילה ויצאו אחר שמו"ע…
Question: He is very likely to be the 10th person for Minyan at the daily Davening that takes place in his school. Can he be part of the Minyan…
There is a minority opinion which allows this, however from a halachic point of view this position is highly questionable and it’s difficult to rely on this on a…
1) There is Machlokes amongst the later Poskim whether this Kaddish is considered גמר תפלת י"ח. (see the quoted sources below for the context of this Machlokes). 2) In…