1. You should say before Motzai Shabbos. 2. One may carry in a hotel, though some are Machmir. See here. Sources: בנוגע המתנה למוצאי שבת, הנה ברמ"א או"ח…
1. You should say before Motzai Shabbos. 2. One may carry in a hotel, though some are Machmir. See here. Sources: בנוגע המתנה למוצאי שבת, הנה ברמ"א או"ח…
אין בזה שום חשש. טעמים ומקורות: שניכר שבא מאדם - ראה דרכ״ת סו, סח. כה״ח מז. וכ״מ בש״ך טז. וראה שטמ״ק כריתות כא, ב בהשמטות. וכן מוכח…
If his allergy is to the potassium dichromate in the Retzuos, as is most likely, he should obtain chrome free Tefillin straps. There are Retzuos made with a vegetable…
There are two Halachic issues with making instant oatmeal on Shabbos: 1. Bishul: Since the oatmeal was never cooked before, even if it was already baked, one is still not…
1. Yes. Indeed, this is the common custom. However, some are particular to use an item which is three by three Etzbaos wide. 2. See here towards the end.
Gedolei Yisroel from time immemorial have Davened at Kivrei Tzadikim. While some have understood this practice as Davening to Hashem but at the location of the Kever, there are…
Question: Ideally, what is the earliest time one can do Tallis, Tefilin, Shema and Shacharis - all of these from Misheyakir? Bedieved, for example someone who starts work really…
This is a Shmuah in the name of the Rebbe Rayatz, although there is strong support for this in earlier sources. It is unlikely that this would apply to…
I know that we don’t cut our nails on Thursday. Answer: If there is a need or if it is for a Mitzvah, you may do it on…
This is quite a serious issue, regardless of the venue. Anything which can be interpreted in any way as a tacit approval of the movement or temple is unacceptable.…
The Crown Heights Badatz has published a letter outlining their policy, available here. Listen also to Timely Messages #35, here: https://asktherav.com/voice-recordings-about-the-corovavirus/ #35: The Positive & Negative Side…
If there was any form of closeness which is forbidden during Niddah days.