There are various customs. The following was what the Rebbe did as witnessed many times in public: right, left, front, back, up and down (some say it was down…
There are various customs. The following was what the Rebbe did as witnessed many times in public: right, left, front, back, up and down (some say it was down…
Question: If Shehecheyanu is recited on something that gladdens the heart, may I say shehechyanu when successfully finished composing a new Jewish song that I’m really happy about? Or…
Question: If I'm in a place where the only private location that I feel comfortable pumping breast milk is in the bathroom, may the milk be eaten by my…
Asarah B'Teves Erev Shabbos Guide
Question: Rashi “Ben Zekunim” (Vayeishev 37:3) writes “all that Yaakov learned from Shem and Eiver”. However, as is evident from the Pesukim (Beraishis 11:11) Shem passed away in the…
Friday Night, 20 Kislev: Chag Hageulah, Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus Kabbalas Shabbos: We begin with Lechu Neranena. In the final stanza of Lecha Dodi, the term besimchah is recited…
Question: Regarding cutting nails the day before Erev Yom Tov, is there the same concern that we have for Shabbos, not to cut on Thursday because it'll "grow" on…
Question: The Alter Rebbe in his Shulchan Aruch (156:7) states that the mitzvah of reproving is limited to a comrade, a chaver. "One is obligated to admonish only a…
Question: I need to go with a minyan to ask mechila by a kever. Do I need 10 persons in addition to myself (total of 11), or 9 plus…
על הסלע הך ויצאו מים
לכב' כת"ר שליט"א! שלום וברכה! ראיתי ששרים בהקפות ניגון שמחה עם המילים על הסלע הך ויצאו מים. ואני לא מבין את הניגון הזה - מה המיוחד במלים הללו. ובעצם,…
שבת חול המועד סוכות – והזמנים
שאלה: כתב דרכי משה סימן תרסג סק"ב וכתוב במנהגים (שם עמ' קלה) וחותם [בהפטרה] בשבת שבחול המועד מקדש השבת וישראל והזמנים וכן הוא בכל המנהגים וצ"ע מאי שנא שבת…
האם יש מקור לאותם הנוהגים להתחיל שמו”ע לפני סוז”ת ולגמור לאחר הזמן
שאלה מאחד מחשובי הרבנים שליט״א: רציתי לדעת שראיתי בכמה וכמה קהילות חסידיות שמצד אחד נזהרים על זמן תפילה, אבל מצד שני מסתפקים במה שמתחילים שמו"ע רגע לפני סוף זמן…
Meat is allowed. For wine, there is room to be stringent if a goy sees the wine, though halachically, it's allowed. Please see information here: ראה שו"ע יו"ד…
Question: I am under the impression that we should not rejoice in our enemies’ downfall. Does this apply here to the demise and injury of many terrorists? Answer:…
מסכת ביעא?
שאלה: שמעתי אומרים שאין להגיד ״ביצה״ כשלומדים גמרא (וכן שם המסכת) אלא ביעא. ורציתי לדעת האם זהו ע״פ הלכה. ומהו מנהג הרבי בזה? מענה: כן המנהג. וכן נהג…
Question: A member of our community, who has been separated from her husband for over five years, has not yet received a formal Jewish divorce (Get). Although her ex-partner…
Question: I’ve been struggling financially for the past year, to the extent that I had to take some loans (and gifts as well), I haven’t been giving Maasar since.… Baby Bottle Blade (to score dough) Blender (plastic with metal knives) Challah Board Coffee Machine Electrical Appliances Fruit Bowl Glass cup broken by the Chuppah Grill Kvort…
Question: Is it permissible, while learning with children Chumosh and going over the words they know to get Hashem's name highlighted with a see-through highlighter? Answer: Should be…
Question: Someone gave me a new expensive sweater and it didn't seem to suit me so I decided (in my mind) I would pass it on to another friend.…