Background: From my experience when I was in high school, whenever there was a visitor from out of school, it brought me a little bit of joy and encouraged…
Background: From my experience when I was in high school, whenever there was a visitor from out of school, it brought me a little bit of joy and encouraged…
אין להשתמש בכספי מעשר עבור מעמד. טעמים ומקורות: אג״ק מוהריי״צ י ע׳ שכד. (ולהעיר מאג״ק יד ע׳ תיח. שם ע׳ תמח. אבל שם הוא בנוגע לקופת רבינו. ושם,…
People often ask whether it’s permissible to use their maaser money (a tenth of one’s earnings donated to charity) to purchase raffle tickets, such as at a Chinese auction, where the…
Question: I am 32 years old and would like to look into fertility egg freezing. I have to look more in depth into the procedures but it could be…
Yes. P.S. this has nothing to do with the fact that you are losing money while attending the convention. Maaser money can be used to pay for non-obligatory…
No, it's not ok. טעמים ומקורות: עיין שו"ע יור"ד רמ"ט ס"א רמ"א שאין להשתמש בכספי מעשר לצורך מצוה, ועיין ש"ך וט"ז שם שהתירו, באה"ג בהבנתו ברמ"א. וכן בפת"ש…
Making food for such a mother would be considered a non-obligatory Mitzvah and therefore would be allowed to be paid for from Maaser funds (and you do not need to…
You would be able to use Maaser if all of the following apply: 1. You are not benefitting financially from this training, such as by obtaining a paid job…
Yes. Anyone who fails or struggles to meet their children’s needs is entitled to receive Maaser. Additionally, when there are children over 6 or 13 years old the parent's…
Most certainly since videos of the Rebbe constitute Limmud HaTorah and/or inspire people to the observance of Mitzvahs. However, this only applies if: People won’t come otherwise. Amount and/or…
Maos Chitim was originally instituted as a tax on every person to help those that are in need for Pesach with wheat or Matzos. Over time it has been…
Yes, if you cannot afford to do it with your own money. It remains always Mivtzoim’s possession. It is important to inscribe somewhere who the real owner is. …
If the car is being used primarily for Shlichus work, you may pay the cost from Maaser. The car remains the property of Tzedaka and does not transfer into your…
Some Maaser money may be used to pay for a Sheva Brachos Seudah provided that you are helping a Chosson and Kallah who cannot afford it from their own…
The flight may not be paid for with Maaser. If the Shluchim qualify for Maaser, i.e. they cannot make ends meet, you may buy for them their needs from…
Yes, if it is a genuine Chassidishe Farbrengen, i.e. the purpose is indeed to be Meorer to be Mosif in Torah and Mitzvos. The food should be of a…
Or beyond Matanos L'evyonim, can I give Tzeddakah on Purim from Maaser? Answer: Every person is required to give gifts or money of at least a nominal sum…
No, unless paying for someone else’s therapy. If someone else offers to pay their Ma'aser, you may use it if you can't afford it on your own. …
Yes. with specific conditions: Wedding Expenses from Ma’aser Money Ma’aser money can be used for other mitzvos, not only for tzedakah, as long as they are not obligatory mitzvos. A person may not use ma’aser to…
Yes. However if you can afford you shouldn’t use Maaser money. Sources: שו״ע יו״ד רנא, ג. ש״ך שם ה. רמ״א יו״ד רמ, ה. ב״י שם בשם תשובות מהר״ם.…