Yes. Sources: שלא להסתפר בתענית - הנה מצינו חומרת בענ״פ לנהוג בת״צ בשאר עינויים כבת״ב, ראה פמ״ג תקנא בא״א י. דע״ת למהרש״ם שם ב. משנ״ב תקנ, ו ובבה״ל…
Yes. Sources: שלא להסתפר בתענית - הנה מצינו חומרת בענ״פ לנהוג בת״צ בשאר עינויים כבת״ב, ראה פמ״ג תקנא בא״א י. דע״ת למהרש״ם שם ב. משנ״ב תקנ, ו ובבה״ל…
You can use regular coins and give the value of half dollars, or even better give whole dollars and specify that half is for Machatzis Hashekel and half as…
The common custom is to exchange our personal money with the silver half dollars owned by the Shule. We lift up the Shule’s silver coins in order to acquire…
It depends on the weight content of silver, not the percentage. The amount of silver required (for those that are stringent to use coins that are actual silver) is…
Question: May I eat or drink before hearing Megillah, once the fast is over, since I'm helping shluchim, and they may wait a while before reading the megillah after…
Hi, I'm a single mother and I have some Purim questions: How much do I give for Matanos Levyoinim and Machatzis MaShekel? ▪ Matonos levyonim- min. a Shave…
Women generally are exempt from Machatzis Hashekel. There is a common custom that the husband gives Machatzis Hashekel on behalf of his wife. I have never heard of a…
Best not to brush your teeth. If this is difficult, there is room to be lenient. Care should be given not to swallow any water. When rinsing your mouth,…