The part that comes in contact with the corn requires Tevilah. Regarding electric appliances in general - see here:
The part that comes in contact with the corn requires Tevilah. Regarding electric appliances in general - see here:
There are several reasons for leniency with regard to canned vegetables, sardines, salmon or tuna: Firstly, many vegetables are edible raw, where the Issur of Bishul Akum doesn't apply.…
There is no issue of Bishul (or Pas) Akum applicable here because the oats are not fit for a kings table. They also need more cooking to make them edible…
Since the sticker is not covering the majority of the urn, and there’s no Kpeida - one does not care using the urn while the sticker is underneath -…
Please see here: #1184
The Brocha Reshona is Ha'adoma. The Brocha Achrona is Borei Nefoshos. Even though when eating rice, since there is a doubt regarding the Brocha, one should eat them in…
They should be toiveled without a Bracha. And see here: Sources: ראה שו״ת אהל אברהם (שאג) כד (לגבי כלי עצם שיש להם תקנה ע”י התכה).…