Yes, but the point of contact between the urn and the plug must get wet. Sources: ראה טבילת כלים כהלכתה יח, לח. וש״נ. #2771
Yes, but the point of contact between the urn and the plug must get wet. Sources: ראה טבילת כלים כהלכתה יח, לח. וש״נ. #2771
Yes, it is correct. Sources: See Rema (Yoreh Deah 81:7) & Shach 81:25 & Taz 81:12. See for example Igros Kodesh vol. 1 pg. 238 (non-kosher food that…
Yes. See here at length for an analysis of the issues. Kosher Cholov Yisroel whey protein powder is available. See, for example, here.
צריך טבילה. אם בברכה, תלוי בכמה פרטים. אם הכלי לא הי׳ ראוי כלל לשימוש לפני זה, וכגון שיש בו נקב בשיעור כונס משקה, יטביל בברכה. אם הי׳ ראוי לשימוש,…
One of them was a serving tray that also had a bit of glue on it, and one was a water heater but the metal was inside, and the…
If it is indeed not Cholov Yisroel, you should not give it to a Jewish food pantry. See here at length:
The consensus of contemporary Poskim is that fish must still be Bishul Yisroel. There are various reasons. See below. It should be noted that sushi itself needs to be Bishul…
Question: These loaves don’t say that they are Pas Yisroel - but they do say that they recommend reheating (i.e. additional baking?) before eating. (Please see the attached picture.)…
Link to the product. Answer: Most likely, as is usually the case, it is not all bran. Some of the kernel would be mixed in and thus it would need…
Foods that are usually eaten raw or that are not Olah Al Shulchan Melachim (fitting for a kings table) do not fall under the prohibition of Bishul Akum. However,…
א. באם קונה במקום שרוב המייצרים אינם יהודים יכול גם לברך. ב. כשקנה מחנות של גוים מברך בכל מקרה. לגבי אינטרנט - ראה כאן: Sources: ראה שו״ת…
I’m assuming that the flour is not the key ingredient, nor is it there for taste, rather it is there just to give it a crispy texture, and it is…
You do not need to Toivel a metal sink strainer. Sources: צריך להיות כלי סעודה - ראה שו"ע יו"ד סימן קכ סעיף א. #1878
Mezonos cereals produced of risen batter from the Chameishas Minei Dagan (the five types of grain, i.e., wheat, barley, rye, oats and spelt) are considered Pas (bread product) by many Poskim, since…
Whenever the flour/bread component is only a minute amount of the recipe, then it is not considered pas akum. (It goes without saying that you must make sure there…
The stove top does not need to be Toiveled. If it is brand new, it does not need to be Kashered either. Sources: לענין טבילה, ראה שו"ע סי'…
קאי רק על פת פלטר - ראה יו"ד שם ס"ב. דאלו המקילים בפת בעה"ב הוא רק היכא שלא נמצא פת פלטר כלל, משא"כ בנידון של סי"ג שנמצא פת אחרת. וראה…
How about other products that are not Cholov Yisroel/Pas Yisroel, etc.? Answer: It depends. If it’s an item which you consider not Kosher, but others consider it Kosher,…
Many poskim maintain, at least in the USA, that corn is a food which isn’t subject to Bishul Yisroel, as it isn't fit to be served at a king’s table.…
Electric Keilim (utensils) are becoming increasingly prevalent, and the consensus among Poskim is that even they need to be Toiveled (immersed in a Mikvah). While many of these Keilim…