Picture. It's ok to use.
I typically always cook a minimum of three, but I don't want to be wasteful if the experiment fails. Answer: Allowed. There is no halachic obligation to cook…
לדעת הרבה פוסקים, קוקה קולה באותה רמת כשרות כמו שאר המשקאות. מקורות: בנוגע לקולה הרב לנדא מבני ברק אומר שצריך הכשר מיוחד, עד כמה שידוע לי הבעיה שלו…
Potato chips - fried potato chips should be Bishul Yisroel. Pringles - there is a Machlokes in regards to regular Potato chips if they need to be Bishul Yisroel and one…
Yes. ראה שאלה 3906. #4553 This Q&A is brought to you by: An anonymous partner in appreciation of the Bedatz of Crown Heights and of AskTheRav…
No, unless it has added sensitive ingredients. #4652 This Q&A is brought to you in honor of Sara bas Leah Gittel and Daniel Yosef ben Leah Gittel …
According to the manufacturing company, it is not kosher certified but it is vegan with no animal derivatives. The company however does produce products with non-kosher ingredients and it…
The oven should be clean from actual residue between fish and meat. Some are particular to designate separate pots for both or in the case of an oven preheat…
The bowl is still Pareve. Sources: מה שחידש הש"ך בסי' צ"ד ס"ק ט"ו לענין קביעת תשמיש הוא כשהכף הוא בן יומו. וחומרא הוא והבו דלא לוסיף עלה. …
Generally, not Okay. However, it depends on the extent of his Chilul Shabbos. It’s advisable to discuss your situation with a Rov. Sources: ראה בה״ג הל׳ שחיטת חולין…
Plain sugar doesn’t need a Hechsher. Unflavored coffee beans or Instant coffee doesn’t need a Hechsher. Some are particular to always get even harmless raw ingredients with a Hechsher…
Pasta raw, without eggs or oil - Does not require certification. Quinoa, raw – Does not require certification. Rice, raw or parboiled, unseasoned - Does not require certification. Rice…
The Keilim may be bought but must first be kashered. Food cooked in these Keilim are forbidden. טעמים ומקורות: ראה מג״א שיח, א. פמ״ג בא״א. תהל״ד א. ובאו״א -…
L'Chatchila one should not do so, unless another layer is placed in between. See also here for more info: מקור: רמ"א סי' צ"ב ס"ח. #4521
If both were cold, the knife does not need to be Kashered - just washed (NOT in hot water). #4297
לא. ספרדים מקילים. מקור: שו״ע יו״ד צה, א-ב. #4324
If the dairy (lactose) is in the actual capsule itself, you can remove the capsule and take the powder or pill on its own. Alternatively, you can get a…
Dental floss may be used even if flavored. Preferable to use unflavored. Sources: שאינו בדרך הנאה. ורגילים להדיח הפה. וראה ס׳ הכשרות כא, נ. ובבי׳ דבריו -יד יהודה…
See here: Filters rated 50 microns should be fine, but best to get commercial filters that are 10-15 microns. See here: https://checkvegetables.com/new-york-city-water/ #4266
Obviously, the OU ensures that are all its products are Bishul Yisroel. However, there are a range of opinions regarding what needs Bishul Yisroel. You would have to contact…