There is a discussion among poskim whether it’s permissible to use a wheelchair on Shabbos in a place where there is no eruv. The gist of the question is whether a wheelchair…
There is a discussion among poskim whether it’s permissible to use a wheelchair on Shabbos in a place where there is no eruv. The gist of the question is whether a wheelchair…
The tefilah (prayer) of L’Shem Yichud focuses on the unification of both aspects of the Shem Hameforash (Hashem’s ineffable name, Y-H-V-H), represented by the Hebrew letters Y-H and V-H, a concept explained in Kabbalah and expounded upon in…
She might need to sing the exercises. And she's the best voice teacher in town... Answer: A man should take not voice lessons from a woman, if this…
There is a discussion amongst contemporary poskim regarding prenuptial agreements. Sometimes a husband and wife have irreconcilable differences, which unfortunately lead to divorce. Numerous solutions have been proposed over the generations to address…
It's a common misconception that it is sufficient to have a mezuzah on the front door of the house, or perhaps that this mezuzah is somehow more important than the mezuzos inside the house. In…
The four compartments that make up the batim (the boxes which house the parchment) of the Tefillin Shel Rosh (which are placed on the head) are molded to form a perfect square. However,…
As part of our teshuvah preparations for the new year to ensure that we are fulfilling mitzvos properly, it’s a common custom to have one’s tefillin and mezuzos checked during the month of Elul. In fact,…
When someone who has been following conventional medicine discovers the existence of an alternative medication that may help them, the halachah is that they must ensure the following two…
When Chazal institute a lenient rule, one may not be more stringent than Chazal, as that borders on heresy. The question is raised by poskim: When there is a disagreement among authorities, may…
I woke up pretty excited. I’m traveling to Yerushalayim for a summer learning program! I’m happy to be able to spend some time in the holy atmosphere of Eretz…
Orthodontic care to straighten teeth (i.e. braces), maxillofacial surgery to improve the look of the jaw, plastic surgery for cosmetic purposes—as well as other elective treatments may constitute the issur (restriction)…
The laws regulating tevilas keilim (immersion of vessels and utensils in a mikvah) are based on the parameters of a vessel or utensil’s use—food preparation—and on its materials and construction. An exception…
There are several conditions that have to be met to allow replacing a pot of soup, cholent, or other cooked food on the blech (an aluminum sheet used on…
May a child be asked to turn a light on or off on Shabbos? When a need arises to have a light turned on or off on Shabbos (whether…
Some people say that whistling is not proper conduct for a Jew, that it is associated with demons or angels, and has all sorts of negative effects. However, there…
Can I Give a gift to a Bar Mitzvah boy on Shabbos? It is forbidden on Shabbos to give a Matono, a gift. This is a form of a…
Question: Can one make kiddush and wash for bread then continue to eat a meal Shabbos day after shkiah? Answer: See the article below the sources. The same…
A basic concept in kibbud av v’em (honoring a father and mother) is to refrain from addressing parents by their given names—or even alluding to them by their given names. What…
During certain parts of davening, and between making a brachah on a mitzvah and performing it, we may not divert our attention from the task at hand by making a hefsek b’dibbur (a…
By Horav Y. Braun Prayer Gear Dressing up. Casual wear. Evening wear. Formal or informal. These are the big issues facing many of us daily as we consult…