Her third marriage. He is a Ger, first Jewish marriage. Answer: One day. The sheva brachos at the end of the wedding seudah should take place at the…
Her third marriage. He is a Ger, first Jewish marriage. Answer: One day. The sheva brachos at the end of the wedding seudah should take place at the…
בבא על הנכרית, ולאחר משך זמן נתגיירה שלא לשם אישות, ואין שום רינון, שלא ידעו מזה כלל - לכאורה אין איסור לישא אותה אפי׳ לכתחילה, שהרי האיסור רק משום…
Question: Lekavod Harav, I'm not sure if you remember all the details of my story, but a quick summary: I was adopted at birth by a Jewish family and…
Women and geirim may both say it too. Same wording. ולהעיר מסה״ש תש״נ ח״ב ע׳ 393 הע׳ 7. #20224
He was from the Chasidei Umos Haolom, as all the Shluchim who knew him have always told me. Is there any inyan at all of doing things for the…
Also, for someone in the process of conversion (and someone not Jewish) how would we say the name in Tehilim? Would we use the mother's name? Also, a Giyores…
Such matters should not be “self-assessed”, Rather, you should ensure that you receive verification from a Rov (who has specific expertise in such matters) that there are no concerns regarding…
They may not say Brachos on Mitzvos or Brachos which contain content which isn’t applicable such as "שלא עשני גוי" or ״אלקי אבותינו״. They may say Brachos on food.…
Question: I am interested in converting to Judaism. However, I am transgender and I have done a lot of research as to whether this is accepted in Judaism, however…
If there is an assumption that they are serious and will actually convert, one may teach them Torah. The curriculum should include Halachos, Davening and anything necessary to be…