Question: Can one bring a Shir Lamaalos card into the labor room to be visible during labor (for the woman to feel safer)? Can it be see through? Would…
Question: Can one bring a Shir Lamaalos card into the labor room to be visible during labor (for the woman to feel safer)? Can it be see through? Would…
נעשא. מ''מ פשוט. וכ״כ במלואת אבן יד, א. מנחת אהרן גורדון ע׳ 12.
יש לעשות קידוש או סעודה בנפרד, או לפחות כשאי אפשר או כשיש צורך - לייחד משהו מיוחד (תבשיל מיוחד, אורח מיוחד וכו׳) בסעודת הברית עבור - ולזכות - הבת. …
Question: What is the Minhag/Halacha for Anash regarding a parent making a Brocha on the birth of a child? The mother saying Hagomel upon giving birth? Answer: The…
Question: I have seen about the Chiyuv Aliya a husband has when the wife goes to Shul the first time after birth, and after 40 days from birth, etc.…
Q. It is brought in Tzava'as Rebbi Yehuda Hachassid (55) that a mother should start nursing on the left side. Is this the practice L'poel too? A. Yes, where…
Must they all be kept? Is the difference only regarding Veses Kavua. How does it work? Answer: After a birth one must keep the Onos (Hachodesh, Beinoni, Hafloga)…
1) Push the buttons to adjust the hospital bed to a sitting/lying position (so she can nurse the baby and sleep when needed)? 2) Push the button to call the…
The accepted custom is that a woman who is expecting does not act as Kvaterin. There is however room to be lenient with this Minhag before 40 days, if…
Some are particular not to go to a zoo during pregnancy. There are sources for this custom. If you wish, you may go to the zoo, but do not…
Q. Are we allowed to buy children's books/Seforim before our baby is born? A. In this case, where it is for a Mitzvah, it is certainly OK. Read on…
Both days L'chumra. However, you should ascertain the exact time of birth so that there be no doubts. When most of the head emerges, is the time of birth according…
The name Sahar - סהר is a relatively new name. As you mentioned, it refers to the moon which is also referred to as סהר. See Shir Hashirim (7:3), and…
The Mitzvah D'oiraisa applies to having two children, one boy and one girl. The primary Passuk is in Parashas Noach 9:7. It is also mentioned elsewhere in the Torah,…
Question: A girl that doesn't know her Jewish name and her parents didn't know it either (they gave one but forgot it). They were planning on giving a new…
During Krias Hatorah (preferably) one of the relatives should get an Aliyah and after the Aliyah a Mi Shebeirach should be said, and in the Mi Shebeirach, the girls…
My non-religious relative wants to name her baby after her grandmother. Her name in Portuguese was Pola and no one knows her Jewish name. In the Matzeiva it's Pola bas…