Question: If I had vegetables and chicken on my plate, and I stuck my fork into a vegetable and began making Ha'adama, but remembered by the word "ha'olam" that…
Question: If I had vegetables and chicken on my plate, and I stuck my fork into a vegetable and began making Ha'adama, but remembered by the word "ha'olam" that…
Yes. However, some disagree with the above answer. Therefore, it would be better to avoid this shaalah by making a shehakol on something else wherever possible. Sources: לענ״ד…
Question: If I understand correctly, when eating a chocolate chip cookie, the brocho is mezonos unless I eat the measurement of 4 beitzim and get satisfied. What if I…
What Bracha is made on Ezekiel bread, as it is not the usual way of making bread? While there is much brouhaha surrounding the purported health advantages of…
Nowadays the Bracha on hearts of palm is usually Ha'adama. Sources: ראה שו״ע ורמ״א או״ח רד, א שעל הקורא - הרך של דקל - מברכים שהכל, דלא נטעו…
This is a machlokes. According to most poskim, it would be hagofen and al hagefen. However, due to the doubt, in practice, one should say shehakol. Nonetheless, it’s best to add a large…