Once Sukkos has passed, the Schach may be used for any purpose, although it is appropriate to avoid stepping on the Schach or using it for a disrespectful purpose.…
Once Sukkos has passed, the Schach may be used for any purpose, although it is appropriate to avoid stepping on the Schach or using it for a disrespectful purpose.…
.אם מעמידים הסכך מעל קרשים אלו כשר לכתחילה Sources: ברגים אלו הינם מעמיד למעמיד עיין שוע״ר סימן תרכט יב ומ״א ס״ק ט
Picture However, the question came up: is the 3 Tefachim of space required only because they are NAILED in frame? Or even if they wouldn’t be nailed with metal but…