שאלה: מי שיש לו אקוריום והוא גר בירושלים והערב נמצא בבני ברק, ורוצה לאכול, אך עדיין לא נתן לדגים לאכול היום, ואין מי שיכול לתת להם בביתו, האם הוא יכול…
אכילה לפני האכלת דגים
שאלה: מי שיש לו אקוריום והוא גר בירושלים והערב נמצא בבני ברק, ורוצה לאכול, אך עדיין לא נתן לדגים לאכול היום, ואין מי שיכול לתת להם בביתו, האם הוא יכול…
Question: It says in hilchos seudah that one shouldn't give food that is befitting for a person to an animal as its an embarrassment to the food. Does that…
Permitted. Still it is better if you disable the sensors before Shabbos. Sources: בירושלמי שבת ה, ד שאין זכרים יוצאים בעגלה תחת האלי׳ מפני שעושה חריץ, והובא בערוה״ש שה,…
Question: A relative has a pet dog. Are we allowed to visit on Shabbos? I know the kids will want to pet and play with the dog, and the…
AskTheRav cannot comment on Kashrus of a product without visiting the plant. Kitniyos may be fed to them. Millet and canary grass seed and rape seed can be used…
Yes, it is problematic, though of course it is permissible according to Halacha. In general the Rebbe spoke about the importance that children should only see Kosher animals and…
Regarding a dog specifically - please see Halacha2go.com article #88. There is no halachic prohibition regarding owning other animals (except pigs and dogs), although one would need to learn…
One may give them food, even if they are not the owner of the fish, provided they are owned by Jews. This applies to all animals which are dependent…
The options: If it has an automated feeder it can be sold. You may purchase a vacation block and sell entire tank with fish. It must be locked up.…
Yes. However, it is recommended you check one of the Pesach lists to make sure it is indeed acceptable for Pesach. #3508