Question: A group of girls are sleeping at a hotel for Shabbos, and they are eating at a nearby shul. They have regular room keys to the hotel BH,…
Question: A group of girls are sleeping at a hotel for Shabbos, and they are eating at a nearby shul. They have regular room keys to the hotel BH,…
מפתחות בבענדל בשבת
שאלה: האם מותר לשים את המפתחות בבענדל אחרי כניסת השבת? ולהסירן באמצע השבת? ואם הסירן האם מותר להחזירן? מענה: הכל מותר. מקורות: אין שום סרך חשש, שאין מכה…
Or is this a better option where the glasses are actually tied and more secured to the bendel? Answer: These are not acceptable…
Does it make a difference if one tucks in his shirt or not? Answer: The main idea is to ensure the tzitzis do not fold and thus lose…
One should wear his Tzitzis with a Bendel as done by day. However when sleeping it should be preferably a Bendel without metal. Sources: באג"ק חי"ג ע'…
A shabbos key belt may be worn in any place that one sometimes wears a belt. So for men since they wear a Bendel underneath their shirt, it is…
I do not know of any reason. Some people report so in the name of the Rebbe. Sources: ראה שו״ת חלקת יעקב א, קה. מנח״י ד, לג. שש״כ…