Question: What is the גדר of שובע that is נחשב קביעות סעודה? Meaning, if you just do not feel hungry anymore is that considered "full" or do you have…
Question: What is the גדר of שובע that is נחשב קביעות סעודה? Meaning, if you just do not feel hungry anymore is that considered "full" or do you have…
Since the almond milk itself is mostly comprised of water, it might not qualify. It depends a lot on how the almond milk is made. שאר משקין - ראה…
A Baal Nefesh does not have to be Machmir when eating less than a Shiur Kevius Seuda of cakes and cookies if the other ingredients - other than flour…
The Bracha on pancakes is Mezonos. However, if one is eating to their full, even if the satiation comes from other foods eaten together with the pancakes, or if…
Depends; If it’s the type which is eaten as a substitute for bread, the bracha is certainly Hamotzi. Even when eaten as a cracker for noshing purposes, it would still be…
Due to the issues involved with Mezonos bread, I try not to eat it. However, at times, it is the only available option. I would prefer to wash and…
If its made with flour and water - same as crackers. Salt doesn't make a difference (because it's not in the dough). But many small snack pretzels are made…
No, unless it's eaten at the same time as the bread. Sources: בסברה״נ פ״ב ה״ג שכשאוכל הפת עם לפתן המשביע מצטרף לשיעור שביעה. ובפשטות, ר״ל שלא כ״ד מצטרף…
Hamotzie. Best to eat within a meal to avoid all doubt. If it's with spices there is room to be lenient and make Mezonos. See also #189 for…
Hamotzie. Sources: See Seder Birkas Hanehnin 2:13 as to what would make it change to Mezonos. #9955
Question: If I make Challah dough (with oil, eggs, and water) and then use the dough to make babka by adding a spread, cinnamon sugar mixture, chocolate or date…
Baked pasta such as lasagna sheets which require no pre-cooking are considered pas, bread, according to all opinions. Poskim address the subject of pasta which was cooked first and…