Background: From my experience when I was in high school, whenever there was a visitor from out of school, it brought me a little bit of joy and encouraged…
Background: From my experience when I was in high school, whenever there was a visitor from out of school, it brought me a little bit of joy and encouraged…
There are different opinions about this matter. The consensus is that applies to all forms of tzedaka. Sources: בטור יו״ד רמז - גם בצדקה. ובב״י הקשה ע״ז וס״ל…
אין להשתמש בכספי מעשר עבור מעמד. טעמים ומקורות: אג״ק מוהריי״צ י ע׳ שכד. (ולהעיר מאג״ק יד ע׳ תיח. שם ע׳ תמח. אבל שם הוא בנוגע לקופת רבינו. ושם,…
I'm asking because I'm working on a children's project, and I'm wondering if it's appropriate to mention to the children that this project was sponsored lizchus/leiloy nishmas... Should children…
Ma'aser is given from any income, work or otherwise. Thus, Ma'aser should be given from the money. See here: #6600
Parents often support their grown children by helping them with monthly expenditures, covering a down payment on a house, paying for the expenses of a simchah (happy occasion)—such as the bris of a…
If you can estimate how much money was in the various pushkas, then divide the $120 proportionally (as much as possible). If not, divide it equally. ראה צדקה…
If you can only use the points for very specific items you need not give ma'aser. However, if it gives you a broad purchasing power through your credit card…
בענין שיש לו כבר ביגוד ואוכל וכו'. הנה להוי ידוע שעני רשאי לקבל צדקה עד שיהיה לו קרן שיתפרנס הוא בני ביתו מהרויח (שו"ע יורה דעה סימן רנ"ג סעיף…
There are technically two options: 1. Although it is recommended for a number of reasons to separate Maaser as soon as one receives earnings, and some Poskim even regard…
People often ask whether it’s permissible to use their maaser money (a tenth of one’s earnings donated to charity) to purchase raffle tickets, such as at a Chinese auction, where the…
Question: I am 32 years old and would like to look into fertility egg freezing. I have to look more in depth into the procedures but it could be…
Yes. P.S. this has nothing to do with the fact that you are losing money while attending the convention. Maaser money can be used to pay for non-obligatory…
No, it's not ok. טעמים ומקורות: עיין שו"ע יור"ד רמ"ט ס"א רמ"א שאין להשתמש בכספי מעשר לצורך מצוה, ועיין ש"ך וט"ז שם שהתירו, באה"ג בהבנתו ברמ"א. וכן בפת"ש…
Making food for such a mother would be considered a non-obligatory Mitzvah and therefore would be allowed to be paid for from Maaser funds (and you do not need to…
If a person made a mental, even non-verbal, commitment to give Tzedakah, this is called Gomar B'Leibo, and he is obligated to fulfill that commitment. There is a disagreement…
You would be able to use Maaser if all of the following apply: 1. You are not benefitting financially from this training, such as by obtaining a paid job…
Yes. Anyone who fails or struggles to meet their children’s needs is entitled to receive Maaser. Additionally, when there are children over 6 or 13 years old the parent's…
One can donate used goods and consider them as part of הפרשת מעשר - separating Maaser. Of course, the value is based on their current used cost and not…
In this case, as long as they didn't give it in the name of their Avodah Zara, there is no issue. The money should be used to pay for…