Question: I live right now in a dorm of Bachurim, and every night before lights out we play slow nigunim in my room, like R' Menachem Amar etc. Can…
Question: I live right now in a dorm of Bachurim, and every night before lights out we play slow nigunim in my room, like R' Menachem Amar etc. Can…
Children should not listen to music in the 3 weeks. If they did not reach the age of Chinuch (2-5 years old), and there is a need (to distract…
No. The Dinim of the three weeks apply from the night before the fast. Sources: ראה שו"ת חיים שאל ח"א סימן כד. אשל-אברהם להרה"צ מבוטשאטש או"ח סי' תקנ"א…
One should not listen to music during the Bein Hemeitzarim (three weeks). Some authorities are lenient by slower non happy music. However there is no room to allow happy…
As soon as the fast ends. #4941 (3)
A. There is no Heter to play music. Eating meat is permissible; it’s the same as one who made a Siyum Mesechta. Q. and if not, can we…
Does it make a difference if it is just the melody of the Nigun as opposed to with chords, or other types of harmony? Are we more strict with…