יש מחמירים גם בכלי שלישי. טעמים ומקורות: כ״כ להדיא ביראים סי׳ עדר (אף שבכל דבריו לא הזכיר כלל חשש בישול בכלי שלישי. ועמד בזה בבית ארזים שיח, קפז).…
האם אפשר לשים מצה במרק (כלי שלישי) בשבת?
יש מחמירים גם בכלי שלישי. טעמים ומקורות: כ״כ להדיא ביראים סי׳ עדר (אף שבכל דבריו לא הזכיר כלל חשש בישול בכלי שלישי. ועמד בזה בבית ארזים שיח, קפז).…
The Keilim may be bought but must first be kashered. Food cooked in these Keilim are forbidden. טעמים ומקורות: ראה מג״א שיח, א. פמ״ג בא״א. תהל״ד א. ובאו״א -…
מעיקר הדין - מזגן מותר. בפלטה - מותר להשתמש בשעון שבת רק להפסיק פעולתו אבל לא אם השעון שבת מפעיל את הפלטה בשבת, וכל שכן שאסור להניח אוכל לח…
No. When the oven door is opened, the thermostat will detect the cold air that rushes in and will activate the heating element if it is off at that…
If the potato Kugel is still warm then you may, if however the potato Kugel is completely cold then you are not allowed. #4050
If you put it on the Blech before Shabbos, you may even put something which is not cooked Kimachol Ben Drusoie. However, so long it’s not fully cooked, you…
Full Question: I read the article regarding the usage of Sous Vide on Shabbos, I also noticed an article from the OK on this topic, among other things they…
One may not ask a non-Jew to heat up water on Shabbos. However, if you have no hot water for the baby bottle or if needed for baby food,…
If the cleaning lady made a mistake and you did not tell her anything, for example she mistakenly switched off the light and then she re-lit it, or she…
It may not be used on Shabbos, but is permissible for use on Yom Tov. An excellent comprehensive article about Sous Vide for Shabbos has been written by Horav…
The baby bottle is Milchig, the kettle is Pareve, and our kitchen sink and all our other kitchen utensils are Fleishig. Answer: You are allowed to put a…
One is not allowed to take water in a glass and pour into the crock pot because of the Issur of Chazara. The water may be poured directly into the…
Are there details as to how I should place it? Answer: You can put it on top of the hot plate, either on top of a pot that…
It is considered a Keli Sheni (or Shlishi, when using two cups). However, it should be noted that one should be stringent with boiling water in a Keli Sheni,…
Question: We are getting a hot plate for Shabbos. On Shabbos, how does one reheat cold food from the fridge on a hot plate? Is it permissible for a…
There are many ovens on the market, and it is impossible in this short space to investigate and address every single model. The best we can do is provide…
If you turn off the hot water system completely, so it’s not operational over Shabbos, you may use the cold water. It is worthwhile to test it before Shabbos.
Question: Is it permissible to make tea and coffee in a Keli Shlishi using instant coffee or tea bags, or is this considered coloring the water? Answer: Almost…
Firstly, instant soups contain in them many different ingredients, and although some of them were pre-cooked, some other added ingredients might not be pre-cooked. It is hard to state…
When making a cup of coffee or tea on Shabbos, it is common to pour boiling water into a cup that was previously used for hot water or was rinsed…