One should avoid giving presents during the year of "Aveilus" on a parent. However if it is given as remuneration it is permissible, for example, a student to a…
One should avoid giving presents during the year of "Aveilus" on a parent. However if it is given as remuneration it is permissible, for example, a student to a…
Question: My husband has Yortzeit for his father today. His sister in law (My sister) is making a wedding for her daughter. The Chuppah is before Shkiah, so it…
I have a first cousins wedding who I am very close with, and would like to go even for short while. Answer: One may attend the Kabolas Ponim…
One who is cremated by their own choice is not mourned nor is Kaddish recited for them. However if it was not by choice or they did not have…
Question: I am living in Beersheva and I will be going to Jerusalem for the first time since arriving in Israel tomorrow. What are the important things I should…
Yes. See here for a similar -but different- case: Sources: פשוט, שעיקר השקו״ט הוא בנוגע לאבל באמירת הלל, כיון שאינו שרוי בשמחה ושאין לו לעורר שמחה.…
You may attend the Bar Mitzvah. Sources: לכל לראש, ד״ז הוא ממנהגא - ד״מ יו״ד סוסי׳ שצא. רמ״א שם וסוסי׳ תב - ולא מדינא, ויש שחלקו וכתבו שלא…
There are two issues: 1. English on a Tombstones: Many Poskim forbid the usage of languages other than Lashon Hakodesh on a tombstone. As part of a Zechus for…
No. Sources: .ראה רמב״ם טומאת מת ג, יג שאינו מטמא ושו”ת יוסף אומץ להחיד”א סוסי׳ ל’ דרובא דעלמא לא חשו לזה מלבד חכמי המערב שהיו זהירים בכך. ועיי״ש…
If it’s customary in her family to buy birthday presents, or if you always buy her birthday presents, and this is an expected behavior, you may buy her a…
Adar Rishon. But if possible should daven and say Kaddish Adar Sheni too. Sources: See Rama 568: 7. Kitzur SA 221:3. See also Likkutei Sichos 16 p. 342…
Question: Is the placenta considered a part of the person and therefore requires burial or can it just be thrown out in the garbage? Short Answer: No need…