Is there a Halachic way to get paid to run a kids program in a Shul on Shabbos? Can I charge for tutoring done on Shabbos? One may…
Is there a Halachic way to get paid to run a kids program in a Shul on Shabbos? Can I charge for tutoring done on Shabbos? One may…
Question 1: May a husband take a trip without his wife during their first year of marriage? Answer: The Halachah is that during Shanah Rishonah (the first year…
No, it does not need to be checked if it is totally crushed up. However, the spinach should be checked superficially before being put into the smoothie. Question…
Electric Keilim (utensils) are becoming increasingly prevalent, and the consensus among Poskim is that even they need to be Toiveled (immersed in a Mikvah). While many of these Keilim…
A1. The orange juice is permissible. Q2. So that means that uncovered soup, tomato sauce, drinks like coke or iced tea are all fine? Also, when is Gilui…
There is a product on the market which is an undershirt with Tzitzis on it. It’s worn by some people in hot weather, or while exercising or jogging. In…
Expressing Mother’s Milk on Shabbos A nursing mother may feed her baby in the usual manner on Shabbos. This sometimes entails expressing some milk directly into a newborn’s mouth,…
Question: My cleaning help saw a bottle of non-Mevushal wine on my dining room table, but she did not touch it. Can it be used for Kiddush? Can it…
Am I as a Bochur allowed to hug/hold/touch my 3 year old niece? Despite a common misconception, there are strict Halachic guidelines regarding touching, hugging, and kissing relatives…
What do we do with the dough removed for Hafrashas Challah? The dough that was separated for Challah was traditionally given to a Kohen. Nowadays, the custom is not…
(Is there any difference between going Mikva for Tosefes Taharah and Takonas Ezra)? Answer: Men may go into a swimming pool for the purpose of Mikva. You may…
Continued: I'm in a lot of pain and have been for a number of months in my back, foot, leg and hip, the pain is totally getting in the…
Question 1: I know that there is a problem with the Bracha Acharona for granola bars and so I have been careful not to eat them unless it's "Bsoich…
Is tuition considered Ma'aser? Meaning, can I take it from Ma'aser money? The Gemara says that your financial needs for the whole year is pre-determined, and you should…
Watches are generally not Muktzah. See more here: Regarding wearing a watch outside in a place with no Eruv, below is a brief discussion on the topic:…
Some kosher products, such as whipped cream, come in spray cans which bear a warning to consult a Rav before using it on Shabbos. One issue relevant to whipped…
Question: Is the placenta considered a part of the person and therefore requires burial or can it just be thrown out in the garbage? Short Answer: No need…