From when one is ready to give birth, experiencing heavy labor, or can’t walk or stand without being aided or blood from birth is flowing, one may be Mechalel…
From when one is ready to give birth, experiencing heavy labor, or can’t walk or stand without being aided or blood from birth is flowing, one may be Mechalel…
I also have a fear of giving birth and someone recommended a book to help can I read that book on Shabbos? Answer: These books may be read…
Yes. The custom does not apply to Kivrei Tzadikim. Sources: .בכלל, שקו״ט במקור המנהג - ראה שו״ת מנח״י י, מב. ויש שכתבו שהוא ע״פ שבט מוסר כד. ועד״ז…
When does the Nidda status begin? If any of the following take place: Having steady 5 minutes apart contractions. Can't walk unaided. Seeing blood. Ready to push etc. Water…
Question: Do we count the weeks (16 weeks) or from the date on the calendar? For example from Daled Sivan to Daled Tishrei or from Wednesday to Wednesday? …
Question: Is the placenta considered a part of the person and therefore requires burial or can it just be thrown out in the garbage? Short Answer: No need…
One should not publicize their pregnancy until entering the 5th month. This applies only to “publicizing”. One may share the information with close friends and family. Likewise, it’s ok…