Question: I saw somewhere that R' Avrohom Chaim No'eh writes that one who goes off a bed even if he did not actually sleep still has to wash his…
Question: I saw somewhere that R' Avrohom Chaim No'eh writes that one who goes off a bed even if he did not actually sleep still has to wash his…
Question: If one put a finger in their negel vasser, or something fell inside, or someone touched the water, can one use this water for negel vasser of the…
Question: I have accustomed myself to cover any skin all the way up the sleeves all the way to my wrists, even though I know it’s permissible for men…
Lechatchila you should designate a bowl that would be used for Negel Vaser only. If it happened and you used a bowl that is used for food for Negel…
One may touch their hair that is not usually covered, and need not wash their hands afterwards, unless one scratched their head within the hair on the scalp. …
Question: 1. Is one allowed to use a hand washing station set up inside the walls of a cemetery that is more than 4 amos away from any kever?…
Question: Someone that was up the whole night – does he say Modeh Ani? Answer: The Rebbe asked this question and didn’t provide us with an answer. Question:…