Q. Either by dipping your hands (tevilah) A. No. ראה סדר נטילת ידים לסעודה ח. See also here: https://asktherav.com/21697-netilas-yadayim-by-a-dirty-river/ Q. or using a kli (netilah)? A. No, because the…
Q. Either by dipping your hands (tevilah) A. No. ראה סדר נטילת ידים לסעודה ח. See also here: https://asktherav.com/21697-netilas-yadayim-by-a-dirty-river/ Q. or using a kli (netilah)? A. No, because the…
Question: I don't feel comfortable going to mikvah anymore, the one I have near me is small and the women make me feel exposed and uncomfortable and everyone…
Question: If I am a lifeguard in a pool, and for a specific period every day there is no one in the pool or pool area- hence there will…