Question: I need to go with a minyan to ask mechila by a kever. Do I need 10 persons in addition to myself (total of 11), or 9 plus…
Question: I need to go with a minyan to ask mechila by a kever. Do I need 10 persons in addition to myself (total of 11), or 9 plus…
Yes. Sources: ואפי׳ בגוי יש לפייס משום חילול השם - ראה קצה המטה תרו, ד. ובגוי שקיבל עליו זמ״צ ב״נ מצוה אפי׳ להחזיר אבידתו - ראה ס״ח שנח.…
Question: About 8 years ago I used a friend's phone without permission and went on to various websites, not realising it I signed him up to SMS messages from…