Question: If I'm in a place where the only private location that I feel comfortable pumping breast milk is in the bathroom, may the milk be eaten by my…
Question: If I'm in a place where the only private location that I feel comfortable pumping breast milk is in the bathroom, may the milk be eaten by my…
It is permitted to drink, but not directly from the breast (even if expressed into the mouth without contact). Sources: שו"ע יו"ד פא, ז. והנה, בכה״ח פז, כט כתב…
If the breast pump was washed with Chometz vessels throughout the year, the milk should not be used over Pesach. One should set aside an additional breast pump that is…
Yes, it is correct. Sources: See Rema (Yoreh Deah 81:7) & Shach 81:25 & Taz 81:12. See for example Igros Kodesh vol. 1 pg. 238 (non-kosher food that…
Expressing Mother’s Milk on Shabbos A nursing mother may feed her baby in the usual manner on Shabbos. This sometimes entails expressing some milk directly into a newborn’s mouth,…
Q. Must I wash bottles or dishes of breast milk with its own sponge? A. Mother's milk is considered Pareve. However, we give it the status of Milchig because…