It’s Okay to have the boys play in water sprinklers during the nine days, if effort is made that only face hands and feet become wet, or in the…
It’s Okay to have the boys play in water sprinklers during the nine days, if effort is made that only face hands and feet become wet, or in the…
Strictly speaking it is permitted, but is discouraged, as one should avoid activities which pose a danger during the nine days. Effort should be made that only face, hands…
One should avoid swimming during all of the nine days. If your children are under the age of Chinuch (2-5 years old) there is room for leniency for swimming…
יש להימנע משחי' לאורך כל תשעת הימים. אם הילדים שלך הם מתחת לגיל חינוך (2-5 שנים) יש מקום להקל על שיעורי שחי'. אם לא ניתן למצוא הזדמנות נוספת לשיעורי…
Ideally, children should not enter a pool during the nine days at all. Nonetheless, one may be lenient prior to the week of Tisha B’Av, or if they are…
Aside from the halachic issue of bathing during this time, there is also the (halachic) concern of doing things that are considered less safe. Therefore it should be avoided.…
האם מותר ללכת לבריכה בשלושת השבועות דבין המצרים?
מדין רחיצה אין חשש רק בתשעת הימים. אבל הרבה נמנעים מכך מסיבות בטחוניות וסכנה - ראה מקו״ח תקנא בקיצור הלכות יד. אמנם בט׳ הימים אסור מדינא. (לפוסקים כרמ״א). …
There is no halachic objection to go horseback riding in the nine days, particularly with regards to children. Obviously, safety precautions are important at all times, and especially during…