When someone who has been following conventional medicine discovers the existence of an alternative medication that may help them, the halachah is that they must ensure the following two…
When someone who has been following conventional medicine discovers the existence of an alternative medication that may help them, the halachah is that they must ensure the following two…
Question: Would you know whether using the tools of muscle testing and pendulums for chiropractors, allergy specialists, kinesiologist, mental and emotional health, magnet therapy...are permissible? Is using these tools…
Question: A while back, I was advising a friend of mine, (suffering from various, multiple medical issues) to seek out the advice of an experienced successful Doctor, who uses…
When addressing alternative medicine, an important point to consider is whether these methods are actually proven to help in a scientific way (whether logically or illogically). Many of these…
Question: Is there anything halachically wrong with hypnosis? Specifically doing it to yourself with audio guides. There are classes that teach women to hypnotize themselves to reduce pain in…
There are various types of reflexology. If no energy healing or meditation is used then it’s not forbidden. One may halachically use medical treatments even if it is based…
Question: My main reason in sending this Email to you is because the gap between the Klal and the leadership is growing to a point that many people (including…
תשובה בשיחת י״ט כסלו תשמ״ז (סה״ש תשמ״ז א ע׳ 146 ובהערה 10) בקשר עם תליית שיר המעלות בבית הרפואה, נזכר בדרך אגב, ש״בימינו אלה מסיבות רפואיות יולדות הנשים בבית…
Questions: 1) Is there any Halachic source for following a holistic diet instead of following a legal doctor? 2) What Is the definition of a "Rofe Yedid"? Is it…
As a health practitioner, one may work on and touch women, as well as work on gentiles including gentile women. One may also receive treatment from a female practitioner, as…