Question: By mistake a Milchig cocoa powder mix was used to make hot cocoa in my Fleishig glass cups and one mug. Is there a way to make the…
Question: By mistake a Milchig cocoa powder mix was used to make hot cocoa in my Fleishig glass cups and one mug. Is there a way to make the…
כל דבר בקופסאות שימורים זקוק להכשר לוודא שלא התבשלו באותו זמן קופסאות שימורים של לא כשר באותה מכונה. אכן, יש המקילים בבישול גוים באוכל שבקופסאות שימורים. וחשוב לקנות מהכשר המקפיד…
Not at all. Kale is heavily infested and must be checked. Method of checking: 1. Soak the leaves in a solution of dish-washing liquid and water. Allow to soak for…
Question: These loaves don’t say that they are Pas Yisroel - but they do say that they recommend reheating (i.e. additional baking?) before eating. (Please see the attached picture.)…
Link to the product. Answer: Most likely, as is usually the case, it is not all bran. Some of the kernel would be mixed in and thus it would need…
2. If I keep the microwave Fleishig: a) May I heat up Pareve items and then bake them in a Pareve/Milchig oven? For instance melting chocolate for a Pareve/Milchig…
We are careful not to eat fish with milk or cheese, however, this does not apply to butter or cream cheese. It also doesn’t apply if these ingredients, butter…
Foods that are usually eaten raw or that are not Olah Al Shulchan Melachim (fitting for a kings table) do not fall under the prohibition of Bishul Akum. However,…
It would be Mezonos, since there is more other liquid than water. However, besides the question of its Brachah, there is a serious Kashrus problem here. Chazal forbade baking…
I’m assuming that the flour is not the key ingredient, nor is it there for taste, rather it is there just to give it a crispy texture, and it is…
Hard boiled eggs need not be checked. Sources: ברא״ש ע״ז ג, כט, דלא חיישינן לדם בביצים לפי שאינו מצוי, שאנו אוכלים ביצים צלויים ואין בודקים אם י״ב דם.…
יש החוששים שמורחים כלי מתכת וטפלון בשומן מן החי בשעת היצור ודורשים להגעיל. למעשה, מן הדין אין צורך כלל להגעיל, והוא חומרא בעלמא. ויתכן שגם אינו בגדר מדת חסידות.…
For very young children and sick people, one can rely on the Minhag brought in the Remah to only wait one hour after meat. One should wash the child’s…
They are both fine without a Hechsher. However, you should only use the unflavored kind.
Cheese was melted in a Fleishig microwave. What should I do? It must be Kashered. Kashering a microwave from Milchigs to Fleishigs or from Fleishigs to Milchigs on a regular basis is not…
Dried pineapple might be treated with oil or other additives. Unless you are certain that they are naturally dried without any additives, it would require a Hechsher.
If the knife was washed with soap or if the water did not reach , the knife is considered Pareve and you may use the bread for Milchig. However,…
Question: My husband is from Eretz Yisroel where they sift flour all the time. We have been doing that here in NY as well. It is impossible to sift…
Question: I've been sifting for a few months and haven't found anything. Is there ever a point when I can stop sifting? Answer: It is hard to know…
I thought that there is a potential concern of a D'oraisa of cooking meat and milk together. I used to work in the kosher kitchen of the Shoprite, but new…