Question: My question is about the orlah status of passion fruit in chutz laaretz. I understand that there is a machlokes as to whether the fruit has a bracha…
Question: My question is about the orlah status of passion fruit in chutz laaretz. I understand that there is a machlokes as to whether the fruit has a bracha…
Question: If a not-yet-Frum person gives me berries or fruits from their yard, do I need to ask how old the tree is? In regards to Orlah in chutz…
Raspberry: Since there is a Halachic doubt if it comes from a species which is considered a tree - and thus its Brocha is Hoadomo - it may be…
Yes, unless it was a barren tree before, or - according to some opinions - it was planted before Klal Yisroel arrived to Eretz Yisroel (at least in areas…
Question: I have a lotion made in Israel that has plant material. I tried asking the company if these plants were from Israel but never got an answer. I…
Question: I just bought a house in the USA with young fruit trees. If the trees were planted by a goy do I need to wait 4 years to…