Permitted, so long there is no yichud, and done in a tznius fashion. Sources: פשוט דל״ד להבראה (ודלא כמו שר״ל בשו״ת שארית הצאן א, יא, מחכמי מרוקו, בטעם…
Permitted, so long there is no yichud, and done in a tznius fashion. Sources: פשוט דל״ד להבראה (ודלא כמו שר״ל בשו״ת שארית הצאן א, יא, מחכמי מרוקו, בטעם…
Q. What does one do by Kiddush Levana regarding Sholom Aleichem if he's saying it alone and there's no one else around (or there's less than 3 people around)?…
Question: It’s known that a man should not say hello to a woman. What if she said hello to me, what do I do? And is a man allowed…
Dear Rabbi, In Pirkei Avos (1:5) it says: ''Do not engage in excessive conversation with a woman. This is said even regarding one's own wife—how much more so regarding the…