One of the prominent poskim of the past generation, R. Dov Berish Weidenfeld, who was the Tshebiner Rav and author of Dovev Meisharim, ruled that freezing water to make ice cubes on…
One of the prominent poskim of the past generation, R. Dov Berish Weidenfeld, who was the Tshebiner Rav and author of Dovev Meisharim, ruled that freezing water to make ice cubes on…
One may not manually crush ice on Shabbos in order to melt it. One may crush it if the purpose is just to break it up. Sources: See…
Article: Snow on Shabbos According to some Poskim, snow that falls on Shabbos is Muktzeh, but if it fell before Shabbos, it isn’t. Many Poskim say that we may not…
If the answer is yes, may I cool myself off with these packets of frozen milk knowing and benefiting from the fact that they will melt? If neither of…