Question: My brother washed netilas yodaim l'seuda at home and cause of the rush he forgot to eat a full kazayis and he only ate a small piece of…
Question: My brother washed netilas yodaim l'seuda at home and cause of the rush he forgot to eat a full kazayis and he only ate a small piece of…
If you’re not giving back the exact amount as it was given to you, rather filling it up completely and there was no request for you to give him…
Similar Question: Can one make a sukkah by removing T tops and placing a mat on top, into a kosher albeit, temporary sukkah? Both sides of the roof would be…
If the car is being used primarily for Shlichus work, you may pay the cost from Maaser. The car remains the property of Tzedaka and does not transfer into your…
Question: Many times when I am driving I snack as I drive. However, throughout the drive I occasionally stop at a gas station to use the restroom or just…
According to most poskim, one is required to pay. This also seems to be the position of the Alter Rebbe. However, if according to secular law, one would be…