It is better to use a regular kvort or cup with a larger opening. If no other choice exists, one may use a water bottle, however one should make…
It is better to use a regular kvort or cup with a larger opening. If no other choice exists, one may use a water bottle, however one should make…
Regarding Negel Vasser: He should wash the other hand and whatever possible on the wounded hand (at least the fingers if possible). חמור נטילה זו מנטילה לסעודה, וכדברי אדה"ז…
Yes you say על נטילת ידים even though you wash only one hand. Sources: חיי״א מ, יח. שו''ת זבחי צדק ח''ב בסופו או''ח סי' יג, ושו''ת רב פעלים…
Question: Is chicken considered something which is eaten with a fork? (and therefore if it is wet you still do not need to wash your hands for it)? My…
It is kosher for netilas yodayim. סדר נט״י לסעודה בסידור אדה״ז סעי' יב ש"בפגימות קטנות אין לחוש". וה״ה בדדים קטנים. וראה גם שו״ע אדה״ז קנט, ד. …
Question: My nails are long and protruding and I was not able to cut them before Shabbos. Is there any Heter given this year -that Tisha B'av falls on…
You should change that and offer something else. If you cannot change the menu, then offer Mezonos bread. If this is impossible too, then there’s room to be lenient…
All foods which are immersed in one of the seven liquids (water, wine, oil, milk, dew, bees honey and blood) unless it’s normal to eat with a spoon. …