Electric Keilim (utensils) are becoming increasingly prevalent, and the consensus among Poskim is that even they need to be Toiveled (immersed in a Mikvah). While many of these Keilim…
Electric Keilim (utensils) are becoming increasingly prevalent, and the consensus among Poskim is that even they need to be Toiveled (immersed in a Mikvah). While many of these Keilim…
The part that comes in contact with the corn requires Tevilah. Regarding electric appliances in general - see here: https://asktherav.com/do-i-need-to-toivel-my-electric-hot-water-urn/
Since the sticker is not covering the majority of the urn, and there’s no Kpeida - one does not care using the urn while the sticker is underneath -…
They should be toiveled without a Bracha. And see here: https://asktherav.com/2213-am-i-allowed-to-use-a-plastic-bottle-nipple-without-toiveling-it-and-then-not-reuse-it-even-if-its-meant-to-be-reused-im-makpid-on-toiveling-plastic/ Sources: ראה שו״ת אהל אברהם (שאג) כד (לגבי כלי עצם שיש להם תקנה ע”י התכה).…