Can I Learn (verbally?) Between Yishtabach and Kaddish?



Our minyan often begins with only 8-9 people and the Chazan sometimes must wait at Borchu for a tenth. Can I say tehillim during this pause (between Yishtabach and Kaddish) or learn Rambam? Can I do so out loud?



You may look in a sefer and learn without verbally saying the words.


שו”ת מעט מים סי’ מב. וראה בארוכה בשו”ת יביע אומר ח”ב או”ח סי’ ד.

P.S.: Accordingly, it is not possible to learn Chitas or Rambam then.

See here:

Is it important to say the words of Chitas and Sefer HaMitzvos, or just learning it (not verbally) suffices?


See also:

Is one permitted to say Tehillim in פסוקי דזמרה, or while waiting for the ש”צ before/after ישתבח?




Comments (2)

  • Yossi January 14, 2024 - 6 months ago

    How about before Baruch Sheamar?
    Is it ok to stop there for a long break and say Tehillim or do shnayim mikrah for a while before continuing Baruch Sheamar?

    • AskTheRav January 14, 2024 - 6 months ago


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