We are a family of Levi’im, and many times in our Chabad house we are half the Minyan, and 2 or 3 of the people that are regulars are also Levi’im. How do we do Aliyos when we run out of Yisroeilim?
A) The following is done if the Minyan is all Leviyim and one Yisroel:
The Yisroel goes up for the first Aliya and then followed by Leviyim only.
B) The following is done if the Minyan is all Leviyim and one Kohen:
Kohen for the first Aliya followed by Leviyim for the rest. If there is another Kohen he will have Shlishi and then the Leviyim. If there are more Kohanim the order would be Kohen, Levi, Kohen, Levi, Kohen, Levi etc., depending how many Kohanim there are.
C) The following is done if the Minyan is all Leviyim, one Kohen and one Yisroel:
First Kohen, Levi and Yisroel for the first three Aliyos and then the subsequent Aliyos are only Leviyim.
D) The following is done if the Minyan is all Leviyim, one Kohen and two Yisraelim:
Kohen, Levi, Yisroel, then another Yisroel followed by Leviyim.
E) The following is done if the minyan is all Leviyim no Kohanim and three to five Yisraelim:
The two Yisraelim go up for the first two Aliyos, afterwards Levi, Yisrael, Levi, Yisrael, Levi, Yisrael.
F) The following is done if there is only two Yisraelim and the remainder of the minyan is Leviyim:
The two Yisraelim go up first, afterwards the Leviim recieve the remainder Aliyos.
G) The following is done if the Minyan is all Leviyim no Kohanim and six Yisraelim:
Levi followed by Yisraelim.
H) The following is done if there are only Leviyim:
Only Leviyim recieve the Aliyos.
When calling up Levi after Yisroel, one says יעמוד פלוני בן פלוני אע״פ שהוא לוי.
See Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 135:12, Mishna Berurah ibid. Kaf Hachayim ibid. 69. Siddur Yavetz Hilchos Krias Hatorah. Maharshag 1:46. Minchas Yitzchak 2:40. Piskei Teshuvos 135:20.
See Kovetz Pe’er Yisroel p. 100 if the rule of Ayin Hara is set aside in such a case. See also Nachalas Yoel Zeev 1:4. See also Shuvah Yisroel 14.