Article: Times for Shacharis, Tallis & Tefillin


Start Time:

The morning Shema can be said anytime from misheyakir, a time when one can recognize a friend, until three halachic hours in the day have passed. Both of these times are usually noted in the calendar.

The earliest appropriate time for davening Shemonei Esrei of Shacharis is netz hachama, sunrise. Beshaas hadchak, if a person is desperate and knows they might be unable to daven later before the time for davening passes, such as when traveling, they are allowed to start davening from alos hashachar, the break of dawn.

With regard to the section of davening called Pesukei DeZimra, one is allowed to start that section of davening from alos hashachar, the break of dawn.


End Time:

Pesukei DeZimra may be said all the way until chatzos, midday.

One is allowed to say Birchos Kriyas Shema, the Brochos of Shema, until the end of the fourth halachic hour. The Tzemach Tzedek and other poskim allow the saying of Birchos Kriyas Shema all the way until midday. (There are even poskim who permit saying them throughout the day until shkiya, sunset.) If one didn’t recite Shema at its proper time in the morning, it may be said until shkia, but then the time for reciting Shema will have passed and it would only count as Torah study.

The end time for davening Shemonei Esrei of Shacharis is soif zman tefilah, four halachic hours into the day. If one delayed that time, they are allowed to daven all the way until midday. After midday, halachic chatzos, one is not allowed to daven Shemonei Esrei of Shacharis anymore.

If by accident a person did not daven Shacharis, they are allowed to daven two Shemoinei esreis for Mincha, the second as a tashlumin to make up for the missing Shacharis.


Tallis and Tefillin:

Tallis and tefillin have a different set of times. The time to make a Bracha on the talis and tefilin is misheyaker, which is pointed out on the calendar as the time it is light enough outside that one can recognize a friend from a short distance. Although one is allowed to put on the tallis and tefillin earlier, they can only make the Bracha from the time called misheyaker. If one did put them on before this time, when the time comes they can say the brachos after moving around their tallis and tefillin somewhat. If one did not put on their tallis and tefillin at that time, they can put them on at anytime throughout the day until shkiya, sunset.



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