Is there a possible problem with using pots and pans that having a non stick coating?
New (without a Hechsher):
There is no Halachic problem with new Teflon pots.
Some, however, have a Hiddur to avoid using new Teflon pots for Pesach. Some even avoid using it throughout the year too, due to a concern of a non-kosher oil primer beneath the Teflon coating. These are not Halachically mandated. Others have a hiddur of kashering it first. See similarly here:
I bought a pre seasoned frying pan from Amazon, does it need to be Kashered?
If they were used for Treif, they should not be Kashered.
Similarly, if they were used throughout the year for Chometz, they should not be Kashered and may not be used for Pesach.
I bought a pre seasoned frying pan from Amazon, does it need to be Kashered?