Kiddush in the Seventh Hour


Q. When is the 7th hour that we’re not supposed to make Kiddush?

A. There is a dispute whether it is the seventh hour of that specific day or the seventh hour from the average midday. The custom is to follow the average midday, with the time being the same throughout the whole year (adjusting to DST accordingly). [Some follow always 6:00 to 7:00 pm no matter the location, though it is difficult to comprehend this opinion.]

The average midday is different in every location because it is based on the longitude of each place.

In Crown Heights, the average midday is approximately at 11:56 pm, so the seventh hour is 5:56-6:56 pm (6:56-7:56 pm when DST is in effect).

For other locations, visit: 

See also attached.


Q. In the summer, is the 7th hour the same time as in the winter?

A. When DST (Daylight Savings Time) is in effect, the average midday is an hour later. Therefore, the seventh hour is approximately 7-8 pm as opposed to approx. 6-7 pm.


Q. Is it okay to say Tehilim or learn during the 7th hour?

A.The issue relates only to Kiddush specifically. All other Mitzvah matters are not only permitted; they are encouraged.

Regarding Tehilim at night, see here.



ראה בשלחן מנחם סי׳ קסא. וש״נ. וכן מוכרח להמעיין בגוף השאלה – נדפס בעבודת הקודש אצל הרבי מליובאוויטש ע׳ טו. והובא בשוע״ר עם ביאור דברי שלום, שבת ח״ג סי׳ רעא הע׳ כא.

ובמענה כ״ק אד״ש שם, ומצו״ב גוכתי״ק, שלל להדיא הסברא לילך לפי השעון, בין 6 ל7, מבלי לשנות לפי המקום.

וכן משמע גם בשיחת י״א אייר תשמ״ח (ע״פ סרט הקלטה).

ובכללות הענין – ראה 3350.


See also:

Why do some people not drink red wine between 6 and 7 on friday?


When not making Kiddush between six & seven causes difficulties



